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Reinforcement of a quay in the Port of Le Havre with rigid inclusions (2023)

As part of the reinforcement work of the Joannes Couvert quay in the Port of Le Havre, soil reinforcement by rigid inclusions (RI) is planned to be used in the rear of the future quay structure, to allow the passage of heavy cranes during the operational phase.

Breakage modelling of clay cylinders along the feed process to a kiln (2022)

IMERYS Technology Center (IMERYS), world leader in mineral specialties for industry, called upon ITASCA France (ITASCA) to monitor and understand the mechanical evolution of cylindrical clay blocks along the feed process of their rotary kilns. The material passes from the dryer to the kiln inlet, via several conveyor belts, a bucket conveyor, successive chutes, flow pipes and a storage silo.

Simulating Spalling With a Flat-Jointed Material (2020)

Long-term storage of spent fuel is critical to the nuclear energy industry. The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) is developing an approach for the storage of spent nuclear fuel in an underground repository in competent crystalline rock. In order to better understand the spalling damage process, an in-situ test involving the drilling of two boreholes was performed in Äspö diorite at SKB’s underground hard rock laboratory in Äspö. Tests and monitoring were performed on the pillar that separated the boreholes. In order to further investigate the damage process, Itasca performed numerical modeling using PFC3D and FLAC3D.

Modeling of Spalling in PFC3D — A Quantitative Assessment (2020)

SKB is interested in developing a 3D discrete model to predict spalling on the excavation boundaries of underground repositories for the long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel. This project provided a quantitative assessment of modeling spalling using PFC3D to study both lab- and tunnel-scale behavior.

Caving Propagation Study for the Esmeralda Block 1 (2020)

With the transition from Open Pit to Block Cave mining at the Chuquicamata Underground Project, it was necessary to validate ITASCA´s caving algorithm (IMASS) as used to predict caveability in a structurally controlled environment. CODELCO proposed a case study at Esmeralda Mine, El Teniente Division, which was known to have been influenced by the presence of a few major faults in its development.

Pore Pressure Model for Large Open Pit Mine in the North of Chile (2019)

For over five years, Itasca Chile SpA (Itasca) has developed and continuously updated, the 3D numerical groundwater flow model for this open pit mine in Chile. The model is primarily used to estimate pore pressure distributions for past, present, and predictive stages of the pit excavation. These are subsequently used for 3D slope stability analysis. With the new and updated model, new predictions for future stages were made, and new mining and drainage plans were evaluated from a hydrogeological point of view.

Development of Conceptual and Numerical Groundwater Models for EIA Studies (2018)

Itasca Chile SpA was retained to develop a numerical 3D groundwater flow model that would allow the assessment of potential environmental impacts over the aquifer due to the infiltration associated with the expansion of the Tailings Storage Facility (TSF). Additionally, it was requested to study the potential influence of infiltrations on the mine pit located about 3 km of the TSF.

Thermal and Dynamic Analysis of the RCC Dam for a Water Reservoir with a Geological Fault in the Foundation (2013)

This project involved the thermo-mechanical coupled, static, and dynamic analyses of the main dam of a water reservoir in a river in southern Chile.

Calibration of a Blasting Model for an Open Pit Mine in Chile ()

The purpose of the study was to provide technical support to the blasting area of an open pit mine. The problem analyzed is related to the non-conformity of the design berms observed in the mine and the need to understand the relative contribution of the structural condition of the rock mass and the design of the blasts to the final situation of the affected benches.

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