Itasca has announced the release of FLAC2D v9
Itasca has announced the release of FLAC2D v9, revolutionizing the way we analyze and predict the behavior of complex soil and rock systems.
6th Itasca Symposium on Applied Numerical Modeling
The next Itasca Symposium will take place June 3 - 6, 2024, in Toronto, Canada.
Itasca International Inc. announces the Selection of its New CEO
Itasca International Inc. announces the Selection of its New CEO
Past News Articles
Itasca Software now Available for Linux
Version 7 or greater of Itasca software (FLAC3D, 3DEC, PFC3D, and PFC2D) are now operable on the Ubuntu Linux Operating System.
Itasca Celebrates 40 Years
Itasca is celebrating 40 years of solving geomechanical and hydrogeological challenges through engineering and computer simulation for the mining, civil, and energy industries.
MINEDW on New Youtube Channel
New series of tutorials on the main functions and capabilities of the three-dimensional groundwater flow modeling software MINEDW
Introducing Our New IMASS Constitutive Model
The Itasca Constitutive Model for Advanced Strain Softening (IMASS) has been developed to represent the rock mass response to excavation induced stress changes.
MINEDW en Nuevo Canal de Youtube
Itasca Chile ha lanzado recientemente un canal en la plataforma Youtube
Seguimos asegurando la continuidad operativa de nuestras oficinas de Itasca Chile e Itasca Perú
¡Licencias web de nuestros softwares disponibles!
Las licencias web son un sistema de seguridad basado en Internet, que permite al usuario operar un software Itasca sin la llave USB.
Se acerca el Quinto Simposio de Itasca
Cómo hemos estado informando durante el año, Itasca realizará el Quinto Simposio Internacional en la Universidad de Viena (Austria), desde el 17 al 20 de febrero de 2020.
Itasca Chile Cierra Proceso de Postulación a Prácticas Verano 2020
Reiteramos que, debido al alto interés en el proceso de postulación a prácticas de verano 2020, se adelantó el cierre al día 23 de octubre pasado.
Itasca Awarded Prestigious Caving 2040 Research Grant
Itasca’s research aims to answer the key industry question “how should block caves be designed and operated to achieve high recovery during cave interactions”?