Particle Inlets


Particle inlets have been added to simplify model generation by automatically generating streams of balls, clumps, and/or rigid blocks into the model during cycling.

  • Uses the brick logic to pre-define a collection of objects (balls, clumps, rigid blocks)
  • Can specify inlet flow rates, positions, and orientations
  • Can translate and rotate inlets at defined velocities during cycling

The Inlet logic uses the Brick logic to create inlet(s) of particles using the inlet create command. Existing inlets may be modified with the inlet modify command. During cycling, particles in the brick are fictiously translated according to the specified flow-velocity vector and the current timestep. Given these updated fictitious positions, particles in the brick that fall out of the brick extent boundary are identified for insertion and their centroid is mapped back into the brick extent. Copies of particles corresponding to the fictitious brick particles identified for insertion are then actually inserted, with an initial velocity set to the inlet flow velocity. Note that the sole information used for the inlets regards the particles; contact information is not considered. Contacts are subsequently automatically created during cycling.


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