Improved User Interface


The most apparent change with FLAC3D Version 9 is the new user interface (UI). It's designed to be flexible, fit the way you work, and have more efficient plotting. Rather than fixed layouts, dynamically add what you want, where you want it, by splitting new windows in the work space. The UI is organized into the following:

  1. Main Menu.
  2. Project pane to view associated files, sets, and plots.
  3. Command Console to input or view model commands and see model output or program messages (information/warnings/errors)
  4. Content Workspace for creating new, and editing existing, (a) data files, (b) plots, (c) sketch sets, geometry sets, building block sets, and (d) the Model pane.
  5. Contextual Tools/Help panel which changes depending on what has focus.
  6. Layout Toggles to hide and show the the Project pane, Workspace, or Command Console.
  7. Status bar.

Watch our YouTube overview video that walks you through the new UI.

Split the workspace into as few, or as many, windows as you want. View, create, and edit the model pane, data files, plots, and more in any of them.

Use the Select Content drop-down menu to view the model pane; or create a new (or modify an existing) data file, plot, sketch-, geometry-, or building blocks-set. Use the Split drop-down menu to divide the work space into a new window (left, right, above, or below the current window) to view additional data files, plots, sets, or the model pane.


The Extruder is now part of a new Sketch tool. The Sketch tools includes 2D drawing, DXF import, and meshing tools to generate structured and unstructured 2D meshes automatically. Use the extruder tools to extend the model into 3D. Structured meshes may also be further modified using Building Blocks.

New Tools:

  • Slope wizard for simple, 1-, 2-, and 3-bench, and dam profiles (similar to FLAC/Slope)
  • Tunnel wizard for circular, rectangular, arched roof, double arch, 3-arch horseshoe, and 5-arch horseshoe profiles
  • Revolve a 2D Sketch along a vertical or horizontal axis
  • As well as linear extrusions, now extrude a 2D Sketch along a curved path interactively. For a structured mesh, generate models and modify them in Building Blocks.

{insert image carousel of sketch, wizards, 2-tunnel extrusions, curved tunnel extrusion (with bounds & topo)}


The Model Pane includes tools for selecting model objects for:

  • Manually or automatically grouping zones and zone face
  • Assigning zone constitutive models
  • Densifying zones (into more, finer zones)
  • Creating 2D structural elements (shells, liners, etc.)

In FLAC3D 9, new tools have been added to the Model Pane:

  • Define and interactive specify material properties
  • Create, then import/export material properties in a built-in properties database


  • Added more contour plot control. including user-defined contour ramp.
  • Format and precision of the contour legends can be specified.
  • Added option to swap axes for table and profile charts.
  • Added option to include minor gridlines to charts.
  • Added improved chart logarithmic scale.
  • Added option to omit “past” states when plotting yield states.
  • Added more contour plot-items (e.g., fos, fluid-head, and histories).

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