Featured Project

Predictions of Groundwater Inflow to Sublevel Stope Mining

Project Description

This project involved simulating the proposed open pits and underground mining of the Aurora Mine in Guyana, predicting potential inflow rates into the pits and underground workings, and providing pore‐pressure distributions to the geomechanical model.

Itasca's Role

A three‐dimensional (3‐D), finite‐element groundwater flow model was constructed based on available data from various site investigations. Five open pits and one underground mine were simulated for the feasibility study. Six shear zones, which will potentially intercept either open pits or the underground mine, were located within the model. The zone of relaxation (ZOR) related to the mining provided from the geomechanical model was also simulated in the groundwater model with approximately one order of magnitude higher hydraulic conductivity than the in‐situ bedrock.

Project Results

Predictions of expected inflows to open pits and different parts of the underground mine were made for various mine plans and designs. The simulated pore pressures from the groundwater model were exported as inputs to the geomechanical model. The model was accepted by both mine and funding agencies.

Project Image(s)

Simulation of Multiple Open Pits and Underground Workings
Pore‐Pressure Distribution
Plan View of Simulated Hydrogeologic Zone of Unconsolidated Deposits


Liu, H. 2013. Hydrogeology Groundwater Flow Model. Aurora Gold Project Key Findings Technical Presentation, 14 January.

Severin, J., M. Telford, H. Liu, D. Noone, and C. Robinson. 2013. Hydro‐mechanical analysis of a foliated rockmass for a proposed sublevel retreat mine. FLAC/DEM Symposium, 22‐24 October.


U.S. Denver
Itasca Denver, Inc.


Hydrogeology and Environment

Nombre del Cliente

Guyana Goldfields


