Pile-Supported Highway Embankment


Version Notes:
FLAC 8.0

Level: Intermediate
Runs in Demo: Yes

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End-bearing piles are used to support highway embankments constructed over soft foundation soils. A FLAC analysis is performed for the initial, undrained construction stage of a highway embankment over a soft saturated foundation. The embankment is supported by timber piles that extend through the soft soils into underlying stronger silty sands. The embankment includes foamed concrete engineered fill. The settlement and the factor of safety for an unsupported embankment and with pile support are calculated. The axial loads in the piles are also determined.


  • Factor of safety
  • Pile support
  • Soft saturated soil
  • Undrained analysis
  • Groundwater Flow
  • Structural Elements
  • Large strain
  • Mohr-Coulomb model


  • Clay
  • Concrete
  • Sand
  • Soil


  • Fluid Flow
  • Static
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